219 research outputs found

    Indexing Techniques for Image and Video Databases: an approach based on Animate Vision Paradigm

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    [ITALIANO]In questo lavoro di tesi vengono presentate e discusse delle innovative tecniche di indicizzazione per database video e di immagini basate sul paradigma della “Animate Vision” (Visione Animata). Da un lato, sarà mostrato come utilizzando, quali algoritmi di analisi di una data immagine, alcuni meccanismi di visione biologica, come i movimenti saccadici e le fissazioni dell'occhio umano, sia possibile ottenere un query processing in database di immagini più efficace ed efficiente. In particolare, verranno discussi, la metodologia grazie alla quale risulta possibile generare due sequenze di fissazioni, a partire rispettivamente, da un'immagine di query I_q ed una di test I_t del data set, e, come confrontare tali sequenze al fine di determinare una possibile misura della similarità (consistenza) tra le due immagini. Contemporaneamente, verrà discusso come tale approccio unito a tecniche classiche di clustering possa essere usato per scoprire le associazioni semantiche nascoste tra immagini, in termini di categorie, che, di contro, permettono un'automatica pre-classificazione (indicizzazione) delle immagini e possono essere usate per guidare e migliorare il processo di query. Saranno presentati, infine, dei risultati preliminari e l'approccio proposto sarà confrontato con le più recenti tecniche per il recupero di immagini descritte in letteratura. Dall'altro lato, sarà mostrato come utilizzando la precedente rappresentazione “foveata” di un'immagine, risulti possibile partizionare un video in shot. Più precisamente, il metodo per il rilevamento dei cambiamenti di shot si baserà sulla computazione, in ogni istante di tempo, della misura di consistenza tra le sequenze di fissazioni generate da un osservatore ideale che guarda il video. Lo schema proposto permette l'individuazione, attraverso l'utilizzo di un'unica tecnica anziché di più metodi dedicati, sia delle transizioni brusche sia di quelle graduali. Vengono infine mostrati i risultati ottenuti su varie tipologie di video e, come questi, validano l'approccio proposto. / [INGLESE]In this dissertation some novel indexing techniques for video and image database based on “Animate Vision” Paradigm are presented and discussed. From one hand, it will be shown how, by embedding within image inspection algorithms active mechanisms of biological vision such as saccadic eye movements and fixations, a more effective query processing in image database can be achieved. In particular, it will be discussed the way to generate two fixation sequences from a query image I_q and a test image I_t of the data set, respectively, and how to compare the two sequences in order to compute a possible similarity (consistency) measure between the two images. Meanwhile, it will be shown how the approach can be used with classical clustering techniques to discover and represent the hidden semantic associations among images, in terms of categories, which, in turn, allow an automatic pre-classification (indexing), and can be used to drive and improve the query processing. Eventually, preliminary results will be presented and the proposed approach compared with the most recent techniques for image retrieval described in the literature. From the other one, it will be discussed how by taking advantage of such foveated representation of an image, it is possible to partitioning of a video into shots. More precisely, the shot-change detection method will be based on the computation, at each time instant, of the consistency measure of the fixation sequences generated by an ideal observer looking at the video. The proposed scheme aims at detecting both abrupt and gradual transitions between shots using a single technique, rather than a set of dedicated methods. Results on videos of various content types are reported and validate the proposed approach

    A Model For e-Government Digital Document

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    The presence of a great amount of information is typical of bureaucratic processes, like the ones pertaining to public and private administrations. Such information is often recorded on paper or in different digital formats and its management is very expensive, both in terms of space used for storing documents and in terms of time spent in searching for the documents of interest. Furthermore, the manual management of these documents is absolutely not error-free. To efficiently access the information contained in very large document repositories, such as public administration archives, techniques for syntactic and semantic document management are required, so to ensure a large and intense process of document dematerialization, and eliminate, or at least reduce, the quantity of paper documents. In this work we present a novel RDF model of digital documents for improving the dematerialization effectiveness, that constitutes the starting point of an information system able to manage documental streams in the most efficient way. Such model takes into account the important need that is required in several E-Government applications which, depending on authorities or final users or time, provides different representations of the same multimedia contents

    HOLMeS: eHealth in the Big Data and Deep Learning Era

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    Now, data collection and analysis are becoming more and more important in a variety of application domains, as long as novel technologies advance. At the same time, we are experiencing a growing need for human–machine interaction with expert systems, pushing research toward new knowledge representation models and interaction paradigms. In particular, in the last few years, eHealth—which usually indicates all the healthcare practices supported by electronic elaboration and remote communications—calls for the availability of a smart environment and big computational resources able to offer more and more advanced analytics and new human–computer interaction paradigms. The aim of this paper is to introduce the HOLMeS (health online medical suggestions) system: A particular big data platform aiming at supporting several eHealth applications. As its main novelty/functionality, HOLMeS exploits a machine learning algorithm, deployed on a cluster-computing environment, in order to provide medical suggestions via both chat-bot and web-app modules, especially for prevention aims. The chat-bot, opportunely trained by leveraging a deep learning approach, helps to overcome the limitations of a cold interaction between users and software, exhibiting a more human-like behavior. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the machine learning algorithms, showing an area under ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve (AUC) of 74.65% when some first-level features are used to assess the occurrence of different chronic diseases within specific prevention pathways. When disease-specific features are added, HOLMeS shows an AUC of 86.78%, achieving a greater effectiveness in supporting clinical decisions

    SemTree: An index for supporting semantic retrieval of documents

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    In this paper, we propose SemTree, a novel semantic index for supporting retrieval of information from huge amount of document collections, assuming that semantics of a document can be effectively expressed by a set of (subject, predicate, object) statements as in the RDF model. A distributed version of KD-Tree has been then adopted for providing a scalable solution to the document indexing, leveraging the mapping of triples in a vectorial space. We investigate the feasibility of our approach in a real case study, considering the problem of finding inconsistencies in documents related to software requirements and report some preliminary experimental results

    Cerebellar potentiation and learning a whisker-based object localization task with a time response window

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    Whisker-based object localization requires activation and plasticity of somatosensory and motor cortex. These parts of the cerebral cortex receive strong projections from the cerebellum via the thalamus, but it is unclear whether and to what extent cerebellar processing may contribute to such a sensorimotor task. Here, we subjected knock-out mice, which suffer from impaired intrinsic plasticity in their Purkinje cells and long-term potentiation at their parallel fiber-to-Purkinje cell synapses (L7-PP2B), to an object localization task with a time response window (RW). Water-deprived animals had to learn to localize an object with their whiskers, and based upon this location they were trained to lick within a particular period ("go" trial) or refrain from licking ("no-go" trial). L7-PP2B mice were not ataxic and showed proper basic motor performance during whisking and licking, but were severely impaired in learning this task compared with wild-type littermates. Significantly fewer L7-PP2B mice were able to learn the task at long RWs. Those L7-PP2B mice that eventually learned the task made unstable progress, were significantly slower in learning, and showed deficiencies in temporal tuning. These differences became greater as theRWbecame narrower. Trained wild-type mice, but not L7-PP2B mice, showed a net increase in simple spikes and complex spikes of their Purkinje cells during the task. We conclude that cerebellar processing, and potentiation in particular, can contribute to learning a whisker-based object localization task when timing is relevant. This study points toward a relevant role of cerebellum- cerebrum interaction in a sophisticated cognitive task requiring strict temporal processing

    Interfacing polymeric scaffolds with primary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to develop 3D cancer models.

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    Abstract We analyzed the interactions between primary cells from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and polymeric scaffolds to develop 3D cancer models useful for mimicking the biology of this tumor. Three scaffold types based on two biocompatible polymeric formulations, such as poly(vinyl alcohol)/gelatin (PVA/G) mixture and poly(ethylene oxide terephthalate)/poly(butylene terephthalate) (PEOT/PBT) copolymer, were obtained via different techniques, namely, emulsion and freeze-drying, compression molding followed by salt leaching, and electrospinning. In this way, primary PDAC cells interfaced with different pore topographies, such as sponge-like pores of different shape and size or nanofiber interspaces. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence played by the scaffold architecture over cancerous cell growth and function. In all scaffolds, primary PDAC cells showed good viability and synthesized tumor-specific metalloproteinases (MMPs) such as MMP-2, and MMP-9. However, only sponge-like pores, obtained via emulsion-based and salt leaching-based techniques allowed for an organized cellular aggregation very similar to the native PDAC morphological structure. Differently, these cell clusters were not observed on PEOT/PBT electrospun scaffolds. MMP-2 and MMP-9, as active enzymes, resulted to be increased in PVA/G and PEOT/PBT sponges, respectively. These findings suggested that spongy scaffolds supported the generation of pancreatic tumor models with enhanced aggressiveness. In conclusion, primary PDAC cells showed diverse behaviors while interacting with different scaffold types that can be potentially exploited to create stage-specific pancreatic cancer models likely to provide new knowledge on the modulation and drug susceptibility of MMPs

    Simulation of dilated heart failure with continuous flow circulatory support

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    Lumped parameter models have been employed for decades to simulate important hemodynamic couplings between a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) and the native circulation. However, these studies seldom consider the pathological descending limb of the Frank-Starling response of the overloaded ventricle. This study introduces a dilated heart failure model featuring a unimodal end systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR) to address this critical shortcoming. The resulting hemodynamic response to mechanical circulatory support are illustrated through numerical simulations of a rotodynamic, continuous flow ventricular assist device (cfVAD) coupled to systemic and pulmonary circulations with baroreflex control. The model further incorporated septal interaction to capture the influence of left ventricular (LV) unloading on right ventricular function. Four heart failure conditions were simulated (LV and bi-ventricular failure with/ without pulmonary hypertension) in addition to normal baseline. Several metrics of LV function, including cardiac output and stroke work, exhibited a unimodal response whereby initial unloading improved function, and further unloading depleted preload reserve thereby reducing ventricular output. The concept of extremal loading was introduced to reflect the loading condition in which the intrinsic LV stroke work is maximized. Simulation of bi-ventricular failure with pulmonary hypertension revealed inadequacy of LV support alone. These simulations motivate the implementation of an extremum tracking feedback controller to potentially optimize ventricular recovery. © 2014 Wang et al
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